Learn more about this program
Jefferson Community & Technical College: Jefferson Education Center (JEC)
200 West Broadway Louisville, KY 40202
This workshop will engage environmental science, chemistry, and biology teachers (and biotechnology instructors) in hands-on, phenomena-based lessons focused on integrating the science of modern food production into their classrooms and career technical education programs.
The goals for teacher education will include how to lead students in:
Testing and discussing human impact on soil & water quality
Connecting high-tech science careers to classroom learning
Exploring biotechnology and its scientific basis in agriculture
Making biofuels in the classroom to mitigate climate change
This 2-Day workshop includes 3 major components:
interactive professional learning that lets teachers experience the material
a field trip to experience biotechnology in agriculture
an off-site dinner where participants can talk with industry experts to learn more about modern agriculture and its connections to food and fuel production.
All participants are expected to attend every part. Hotel stay and meals will be provided.
The professional learning component explores practical, phenomena-based, NGSS-aligned lessons. Every participant receives $300 worth of supplies for classroom use.