
This challenge is designed for students in grades 5 and up. Suitable for classroom, after school programs, and youth groups.

The following curriculum packages and resources were created/updated by the Kentucky Agriculture and Environment in the Classroom. Scroll below if you are looking for theme based or standards-based lessons.

Kentucky Farms Feed Me Virtual Field Trips and Lessons

This collection of videos, lessons, and activities takes students on a journey to several Kentucky farms and venues to learn how farmers and experts produce food and care for the domesticated animals that live in the Bluegrass.

Primary Career Studies & Social Studies

The Kentucky Farm as an Ecosystem & Economic Engine

Kentucky’s climate, topography, native organisms, and natural resource availability creates unique, regional farm ecosystems that give farmers a comparative advantage in producing certain crops and livestock. Specialization in production then provides many trade opportunities.

Grades 3-5 and Secondary Agriculture/Environment

Kentucky Ready Set Grow School Garden Curriculum

This collection of lessons and guide to school gardening provides many ideas for using a garden for STEM learning. The curriculum includes many favorites from nationally-recognized Kentucky teacher Darleen Horton.

K-12 Plant and Environmental Science

Connecting Science to the Horse

Retired science teacher Jennifer McNulty married her love of teaching and a newfound appreciation of the horse to write a collection of lessons that meet several 3rd and 4th grade Next Generation Science Standards.

Intermediate Science, Career Studies


Kentucky Food and Farm Files

This is a resource website all about Kentucky agriculture and the people who make it work. Students can conduct research to learn about each of the different commodities and livestock produced in Kentucky and their home county and read about agricultural professionals who work or study in Kentucky.

Secondary Science & Economic Literacy, College & Career Readiness, Career Studies

Lessons by Grade and
Kentucky Academic Standards

Lessons & Resources by Topic

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We have 32 boards and hundreds of pins to help you teach about life sciences, foods, environmental and earth sciences, and many more.