Bushels or Bust - A Lesson on Economics, Risk and Making Decisions
Resource Sponsor
Bushels or Bust? Lesson in Economics, Risk & Decision Making
“Bushels or Bust?” is a lesson and game your students are sure to enjoy. It teaches concepts of economics while testing practical math skills and decision making. Students will also understand how risky farming can be when faced with many unknown and uncontrollable factors, such as weather and markets.
The game was developed for grades 5-12, but can be used with younger students if the math portion is figured for them. A computerized spreadsheet and line graph are available for help and as a visual of change in net profit when different scenarios occur.
Kentucky Academic Standards:
Social Studies - Economics 2.18 Students understand economic principles and are able to make economic decisions that have consequences in daily living.
Vocational Studies - Consumer Decisions and Career Awareness 5.4 Students use a decision-making process to make informed decisions among options.
Math – Grade 5 5.OA.1, 5.NBT.7, 5.MD.2, 5.G.1, 5.G.2
View the Lesson and Game rules
Download printable Risk Cards
Download the Spreadsheet and Line Graph
Download the Budget Sheet
A ready-to-use lesson with risk cards, dice, and budgets sheets are available to members of the Agriculture Literacy Network and teachers who participate in our workshops or Sponsor a Classroom program. You may also purchase the game below.
It will force you to make a copy to your own drive. Share with students in present mode and provide each student team with a printed copy of the Budget Sheet. The Spreadsheet and Line Graph file can be used to help them develop their results into a graph to show profit over the course of the game.
There are several videos embedded to help guide your students and provide context.