More Resources for Careers in Agriculture

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This video does a great job telling about all the different jobs needed in agriculture.


Click on the image to go to the Google Slide activity. Students can move the images to the appropriate description. Be sure to copy the file to your own drive to be able to test and share with students.

More Lessons & Resources

Farmer for a Day - The day of a farmer is filled with one decision after another.  When should I sell this crop?  Do I purchase more livestock? Is this the right time to purchase more land?  Should I lease or buy my equipment?  Not only do farmers make their own decisions, they must also respond to factors outside of their control, such as the market, weather, and government policies.  All of these decisions can ultimately impact you and your students as consumers of agricultural products.

Help your students understand the risks, economics, and decision-making that farmers face each and everyday, regardless of the size of their agriculture operation.  The following activities will allow your students to become a farmer for a day and make decisions in various farming operations.

My American Farm Career Race - Intermediate Career Studies

Who Knew? Careers in Agriculture - Grades 4-6

Ag Careers Ag Mag - Intermediate Reader

Environmental - Agriculture and Forestry Careers