Feeding Kentucky: An Agriculture Adventure

This engaging Farm to Table presentation is great for Farm to School Month, Agriculture Education Events, a Thanksgiving lesson, and more! We have also had so much fun watching older students use this program to teach younger students through Project-based Learning.

The presentation, videos, worksheets, and corresponding Linking Farm to Table game teach several concepts outlined in Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies (economics, geography, historical perspective), Science (ecosystems, life sciences, human environmental impact), and Career Studies (career exploration and financial literacy). Options are available for all grade levels.

K-3 Program Links

4-8 Program Links

Demo Videos

Questions, or having trouble accessing the links? Call 855-921-2625.

Order a Presentation Kit and Student Worksheets!

Members of the Kentucky Agriculture Literacy Network may request hard copies of our presentation kit and worksheets at a discounted price or no cost. Digital files are free for everyone.