TeachKyAg Seeks an Executive Director for Association and Program Management

Job Opening: Executive Director/Association and Program Management

February 17, 2025

Project Overview

The Kentucky Agriculture and Environment in the Classroom is seeking an individual, association, or firm to manage its operations, fundraising, and educational programs for 15-20 hours per week. The ideal candidate will be skilled in project/association management and communications and passionate about Kentucky agriculture. This will be a contract position, where the selected vendor will provide office space, office equipment, and transportation to designated events and functions.

Summary of Deliverables

  • KyAEC Board of Directors coordination and communications (quarterly meetings)

  • Promotion of KyAEC and partner programs and curriculum through newsletters, social media, the teachkyag.org website, and events

  • Accounting, fundraising, and budget management

  • Office administration and customer service

  • Reporting of KyAEC and partner program impact

  • Please find association information and a list of programs at www.teachkyag.org.


A proposal or a resume and cover letter are due March 21, 2025. The contract is expected to begin May 1, 2025.

Submission Information

Please email documents to Tod Griffin at tgriffin@kyretail.com.

Proposal requirements are listed within this document. Questions about the scope of work should be sent to Jennifer Elwell at jennifer@teachkyag.org.

I.           Scope of Work and Deliverables

KyAEC is looking for a vendor/contractor that can meet these goals:

  • Coordinate and promote the efforts of KyAEC and its member organizations to reach a greater number of educators and supporters.

  • Administer approved curriculum and education programs that serve the mission of KyAEC’s member organizations.

  • Manage and develop fundraising programs and revenue streams for KyAEC.

Objectives will be met by providing the following critical services:

KyAEC Board Coordination:

  • Organize board meetings (in-person and virtual): agenda, logistics and board member communication.

  • Manage KyAEC business documents such as minutes, bylaws, member directory, etc.

Accounting, Fundraising, and Budget Management:

  • Maintain accurate accounting records, pay approved expenses, manage deposits, and provide monthly financial reports to the KyAEC Treasurer.

  • Assist in developing the annual budget, providing regular reports and analysis with KyAEC Treasurer, and meeting budget goals.

  • Write and submit grant and fundraising proposals, meeting with boards and staff as necessary. Supply all necessary reporting to grantors.

  • Provide regular communications to KyAEC supporters.

  • Work with KyAEC board to develop a plan for regular member contributions and deliverables for those contributions.

Promotion of KyAEC Programs and Curriculum:

  • Review and manage website content that lists all curricula and resources available for teachers provided by KyAEC and its partners/sponsors. A third-party contractor can assist with updates. 

  • Work with the Kentucky Department of Education, teacher groups, and member organizations to promote KyAEC programs and curriculum on their media channels.

  • Develop or manage the development of promotional print and digital materials/ads for KyAEC and member programs.

  • Maintain a database of Kentucky educators for periodic newsletters and email promotions of KyAEC and member programs.

  • Develop and maintain appropriate social media channels.

  • Attend periodic meetings, teacher conventions, and workshops to promote KyAEC and member education programs.

Office Administration:

  • Provide office space, phone, email/internet service, equipment (computers, printer), storage of KyAEC materials and documents, and commercial insurance for all materials. KyAEC provides a toll-free number and email accounts.

  • Maintain the mailing address for KyAEC at home office and/or a local PO Box.

Reporting of Coordinator Activities:

  • Provide a detailed report of activities at each scheduled KyAEC board meeting.

Provide regular communications to the KyAEC Executive team.

Manage approved KyAEC programs and contractors on timelines, scheduling, purchasing, volunteers, finances, and maintenance, if needed:

  • Kentucky State Fair AgLand Exhibit Space

  • Work with KDA Staff to plan the Kentucky Agriculture Poster and Essay Contest and Awards Ceremony; KyAEC helps judge entries and prepares awards.

  • Participate in the Regional Kentucky Farm Bureau Teacher Workshops in June.

  • Manage contractors to provide curriculum development/maintenance and promotional materials (websites, design of printed resources, etc.).

Work with board members, advisors, and contractors to curate/develop/improve KyAEC programs and resources. 

Collect data and evaluations on KyAEC programs for analysis and grant reporting.   

II.         Budget/Compensation

KyAEC expects to compensate an administrator between $30,000 and $60,000 annually, depending on the total scope of services provided, approved programs, and what the budget will allow. Fundraising is vital to this position, and operating costs should not exceed 25% of the total budget.

III.       Application/Proposal Requirements

  1. Interested parties should provide a detailed cover letter explaining their interest, qualifications, and how they will meet and/or exceed KyAEC goals and objectives.

  2. Interested parties should provide the resumes and/or CVs of the individuals who will be providing programming services.

  3. Established businesses/organizations should provide their operating information, such as EIN, DUNS, years in business, and at least three contract/business references, if available.  

  4. Interested parties should provide a detailed listing of the services they will provide, the compensation/payment terms they require for those services, and a plan for how administrative expenses will be met.  

Proposals and interested parties will be evaluated based on experience, ability to meet goals through technical and organizational skills and services, and ability to offer services at a cost that aligns with the organizational budget.

IV.       Additional Notes

The Contractor/Vendor may not directly solicit KyAEC partners or members for services or sales that KyAEC could provide.

Any resource, curriculum, or program developed by the Contractor/Vendor while under contract becomes the intellectual property of KyAEC, and the Contractor/Vendor may not directly sell those items or services to any organization other than KyAEC.

V.         Timeline & Contacts

Proposals are due via email in PDF format by March 21, 2025. They must be sent to Tod Griffin, KyAEC Chairman, at tgriffin@kyretail.com.

Proposals will be reviewed, and top candidates will be contacted for further meetings/interviews in April. The vendor will ideally be selected by May 1, 2025. Both parties will agree upon a trial contract period, and a new contract may be negotiated after the trial for the new fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.

You can send questions about the scope of work and programs to Jennifer Elwell at jennifer@teachkyag.org.