Floyd County

Education offerings in floyd county

Floyd County Conservation District

  • Classroom visits

  • Contact Floyd Co. Conservation District: conserve@bellsouth.net or 606-889-9800

Floyd County Farms


Prince Albert Stables - Rocky Mountain Horses 

Wendell and Sue are the owners of Prince Albert Stables located in Prestonsburg, Kentucky. 

They specialize in breeding Rocky Mountain Horses, and have gotten so good at it that they are certified Kentucky Proud, Appalachia Proud, and are part of the Rocky Mountain Horse Association. 

The stable has a specialized staff of trainers and caretakers that address the characteristics that make a Rocky Mountain Horse stand out, the most important characteristic being the distinct way a RM Horse moves, which is called a gait.

Prince Albert sells horses bred on sight but they also allow other horse owners to breed with their prized animals for a fee.

Cooperative Extension Office

County Farm Bureau

Conservation District

Local Farmer’s Markets

If you would like your farm featured on this page, please email us a photo and a short description at info@teachkyag.org.

Eden ElwellF