Grades K-3: In this lesson, students will model what a seed needs to germinate and a plant needs to survive by creating a wearable mini greenhouse. Modifications of this lesson are provided for the different grade level NGSS.
Grades 4+: Students will develop an appreciation and understanding of the natural development of seeds, learn the anatomy and function of each seed part through a seed dissection, and classify seeds as monocots or dicots.
Join Kylie as she visits with farmer Barry Alexander, of Cundiff Farms in Cadiz, Kentucky to learn about soybeans.
Find lesson plans and information on the Soybean Science Kit from Kentucky Soybean Board.
The soybean is a seed crop that is high in protein and oil and a member of the pea family (also called legumes).
Find lessons, fact sheets, and resources for grades K-12 on biofuels, renewable fuels, ethanol, and biodiesel.