Kindergarten Social Studies
K.E.MI.1 - Describe why people purchase goods and services
K.E.MA.1 - Identify places in communities that provide goods and services
Where do we get our food? Groceries and Restaurants depend on farms and farmers. Many other products are made with farm-produced ingredients.
K.E.ST.1 - Demonstrate ways trade can be used to obtain goods and services.
K.E.IC.1 - Differentiate between needs and wants.
K.E.KE.1 - Explain how various jobs affect communities.
What are the jobs of a farmer?
Why do we need farmers?
What would happen if we did not have farmers in our community?
K.G.MM.1 - Identify why and how people and goods move to and within communities.
Trace the movement of food in a community.
Are there farms in your community? Why or why not?
K.G.HE.1 - Identify ways humans interact with their environment.
How do farmers use the environment to produce food?
K.G.KGE.1 - Identify physical and environmental characteristics of communities.
What physical and environmental characteristics do you need to have a farm? – Rain, water, soil, trees, sun, people, grass. What affects how food is grown – weather
K.H.KH.1 - Compare life in the past to life today in communities.