Primary Lessons & Resources
Grades K-3: In this lesson, students will model what a seed needs to germinate and a plant needs to survive by creating a wearable mini greenhouse. Modifications of this lesson are provided for the different grade level NGSS.
Have students learn all about poinsettias, their unique parts, and their role in holiday traditions. A coloring page is included.
MATH: There are four versions of this worksheet: Counting/Number ID, Simple Addition and Subtraction to 6, Multiplication, and Fraction Conversion.
Find simplified data sheets, maps, and charts with comprehension questions for Kentucky agriculture for all grade levels.
Students will understand that basic economic concepts are important for consumer decision-making, learn consumer decisions are influenced by economic and social factors, learn values have a role in making consumer decisions. Other concepts include needs vs wants, opportunity cost, prices, and food scarcity/hunger.
These are great pre or post-assessment worksheets for our Kentucky Farms Feed Me Virtual Field Trip Series or when using the Linking Farm to Table game.
Primary: Students will use their senses to evaluate different types of apples and select their favorite. Students will write an opinion piece with supporting reasons, and students will develop a bar chart to report results.
PRIMARY & INTERMEDIATE SCIENCE: Find different versions of our chicken life cycle worksheet and a Google Classroom version that can be digitally manipulated.
ALL GRADE LEVELS - ART or introduction to genetic traits - Students will either use a dice or their own characteristics to create a unique chicken.
Where does our food and clothing come from? There’s a lot more to Agriculture, the system that provides us with crops we eat and fibers we use to make clothing, than most people are aware of. Students will learn about this amazing modern industry with roots that stretch back to the beginning of civilization through the Modules and Units that cover a wide range of topics. Everyone is sure to learn something new!
Learn the life cycle, jobs, and communication skills of honey bees!
Primary: Students will learn the needs, structures, and habitats of beef cattle in Kentucky. This is a great companion activity to the Kentucky Farms Feed Me Virtual Field Trip to a beef cattle farm.
Students will have fun with these grade-level appropriate math activities using apples.
Primary: Students will construct a diagram of an apple tree’s life cycle and learn the importance of pollinators.
Primary: Students will learn how their Kentucky communities provide their basic needs, and how and where we acquire those needs with a strong focus on food.
Primary - Students will identify how the basic needs of a growing chick are met during egg incubation. Activities include identifying and diagramming the parts of an egg and hatching eggs in class.
Grades: Primary (K & 3 Standards). Students will compare the needs of a pig and humans and learn how farmers keep them comfortable in all environments.
This activity meets Kindergarten Common Core Math standards and can be used as a cutting assessment, but it’s a fun activity for any age.
Join Kylie as she visits Sisk Farms in Hopkinsville to learn about corn. Kylie also talked with Dr. Chad Lee, an agronomist, with the University of Kentucky.
Join Kylie as she visits with farmer Barry Alexander, of Cundiff Farms in Cadiz, Kentucky to learn about soybeans.
Kentucky kids visit a beef cattle farm and have many questions. Kentucky has the largest number of beef cattle east of the Mississippi River due to the high quality grasses and forages that grow here. Most all Kentucky beef cattle spend the majority of their lives on pasture.
Learn about agriculture and farming in your community by choosing the county where you live.
Students will learn the difference between needs and wants to prioritize financial purchases. Meets standards in Primary Financial Literacy studies and Kindergarten Social Studies.
Students will learn how soil is the foundation of food and other materials that help people live. They will also learn the components of soil, uses and properties, and describe the role soil plays in a healthy ecosystem.
Primary students will learn the farm origins of their favorite meals by linking the processed ingredients to the plants and livestock from which they came.
Kentucky Kylie visits the Kentucky Horse Park to learn about Kentucky's horses and how to take care of them. She meets a few famous horses a long the way.
Kentucky kid Eden visits two Kentucky farms - Coleman Crest Dairy and Chaney's Dairy - to learn how cows make milk for us to enjoy. Students will look at energy chains, careers, and chemical reactions when making ice cream.
See what happens behind the scenes at the Kentucky State Fair Pig Show and then visit a Kentucky pig farm. This virtual field trip has several Google Classroom activities for students of all ages.
Join Kylie as she visits Long Vue Farms in Todd County to learn about wheat and why Mandy Bryant loves being a farmer.